新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【大国工匠】工地的明灯:自学成才的装配大师


Site of the lamp: powers craftsmen 】 【 self-taught master assembly

2016-10-03 16:21:45来源: 中国日报网

光明网讯(记者刘超)“平时是很难在厂里看到王亮的,这次真是难得。”看到王亮风尘仆仆的迎过来,陪同采访的工会工作人员调侃道。 事实上,不仅是同一个工厂其他部门的同事很难见到王亮,就连他的家人也一年...

Kwangmyong dispatch (reporter liu chao) "it is hard to see wang liang in the plant at ordinary times, this is really rare." See wang liang travel-stained meet, accompanied by interviews with union workers joked. In fact, not only is the same factory other department colleagues is very difficult to see wang liang, even his family a year...