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“脱欧”令英国高等教育忧心 或影响研究经费获得

"Off Europe" worries British higher education or affects research funding.

2016-08-21 10:41:50来源: 中国青年网

图为英国剑桥大学。 视觉中国/光明图片 【纵深报道】 6月23日,英国“脱欧”公投结果落定,“脱欧派”最终胜出,英国将脱离欧盟。在这场重大政治事件中,高等教育并不是各方辩论的重点,但鉴于英国拥...

The picture shows University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Visual China / Bright Photo [In-depth Reporting] On June 23, Britain's "de-European" referendum was finalized, and the "de-European" wins and Britain will leave the EU. In this major political event, higher education is not the focus of debate among all parties.