新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周琦:长这么高只能打篮球 网友:还能去演戏啊

周琦:长这么高只能打篮球 网友:还能去演戏啊

Kevin: long so high can only play basketball net friend: can also go to play

2016-07-28 01:08:32来源: 华体网

周琦:长这么高只能打篮球 讯 北京时间7月27日,中国男篮在甲骨文球馆以57-107的巨大劣势不敌梦之队。今天周琦大发神威拿到13分2个篮板,作为全队打的最好的球员,周琦和主帅宫鲁鸣一同出席了新闻...

Kevin: long so high only to play basketball Beijing time on July 27, the Chinese men's basketball team at oracle arena huge disadvantage by 57-107 dream team. Today's housekeeper hit compared to 13 points and two rebounds, as the best player, with coach GongLuMing housekeeper, attended the news...