新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2018胡润新金融百强名单出炉:老虎证券再度上榜


2018 new financial top hurun list released: tiger stock list again

2018-01-22 15:33:27来源: DoNews

近日,胡润百富公布2018胡润新金融百强名单,陆金所、京东金融、老虎证券等新金融公司上榜。据了解,这是老虎证券(Tiger Brokers)继2016年之后再度上榜,受到业内广泛认可。胡润新金融百强榜是胡润百富榜每一年的新年首榜,其重要性不言而喻,此前包括宜人贷、信而富、众安科技等上市公司及蚂蚁金服、陆金所、京东金融等知名公司都曾榜上有名,进入榜单的公司也多被称为新金融行业的推动者、佼佼者。在经历一段时间的洗牌期,互联网券商逐渐进入稳定发展阶段。成立于2014年的老虎证券(Tiger Brokers),目前是华人地区最大美股券商,定位于为全球华人投资者提供覆盖美股、港股、A股(沪港通)的全方位...

Released recently, the hurun report 2018 new financial top hurun list, Liu Jin, jingdong, such as finance, tiger securities by new financial companies on the list. It is understood that this is the Tiger securities (Tiger Brokers) on the list again after 2016, was widely recognized in the industry. Hurun's new financial is the top hurun report every year New Year the first list, its importance is self-evident, pleasant after including loans, letter and rich, and the Ann technology, by a listed company and the ant gold and Liu Jin jingdong, financial and other famous companies have been listed into the list of the companies are also more enabler, best known as a new financial industry. Shuffle period after a period of time, the Internet securities into stable stage of development. Securities (founded in 2014, the Tiger Tiger Brokers), it is biggest in Chinese stock brokerage, positioning in the covered stocks for Chinese investors in the world, Hong Kong, A shares (Shanghai port) comprehensive...