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Xinyi electric power supply company more measures to advance team construction work

2016-09-08 23:02:32来源: 中国电力新闻网

中电新闻网讯 通讯员 袁成虎 朱诺 报道 9月5日以来,江苏新沂市供电公司由工会牵头,组织专业技术人员对基层班组建设工作情况进行专项检查,对班组建设现状进行了深入分析,要求加强班组建设诊断,巩固公司...

CLP news network news correspondent Yuan Cheng tiger Juno reported since September 5, the paper selects xinyi city in jiangsu power supply company, led by the unions, organizations of professional and technical personnel team construction work at the grass-roots level to carry on the special inspection, carried on the thorough analysis about the present situation of team building, request to strengthen the construction of team diagnosis, consolidate the company...