新关注 > 信息聚合 > 私募三大流派揭秘 “壳王”辛宇28只壳股全曝光

私募三大流派揭秘 “壳王”辛宇28只壳股全曝光

Three private schools reveal king "shell" XinYu 28 shell full exposure

2016-09-05 14:00:44来源: 搜狐

截至8月31日,2016年半年报已全部披露完毕。2016年上半年,在经历年初“熔断”事件、二季度英国“脱欧”公投、美国加息预期等诸多因素扰动下,A股整体呈震荡走势。 面对复杂多变的市场环境,价值...

As of August 31, 2016, finished half annals are fully disclosed. Early in the first half of 2016, after A "fuse" event, the British "off the referendum" in the second quarter, U.S. interest rates expected under the disturbance and so on many factors, A shares overall are volatile. In the face of complex and changeful market environment, the value...