新关注 > 信息聚合 > 引入国有资本,蚂蚁金服成功抱大腿坐等上市


Introduction of state-owned capital, ant gold service service successfully embraces thigh wait listed

2015-09-07 14:20:57来源: DoNews

蚂蚁金服,这艘编外航母,近期似乎成了国资企业的香饽饽,争相为其注资加注。常说是金子都会发光,但蚂蚁这块金子似乎太过闪耀。 前有,全国社保基金战略投资蚂蚁金服,占股5%,后有中国邮政投资蚂蚁金服,占股不到5%,而且两家都是第一次对外投资,就给了蚂蚁金服,至此蚂蚁金服完成首轮融资120亿人民币,估值超300亿美元。很多业内人士说,这是蚂蚁金服的主动出击,为自己保底,让国家队为自己保驾护航。今年以来,央行接连发布金融服务机构新规,其中针对第三方支付的新政受到关注,而银联与第三方支付的矛盾由来已久,这次央妈终于要出手了,首当其冲的当然就是支付宝。据有关数据显示,支付宝去年在移动支付市场份额已超过80%...

ants. This supernumerary carrier, recently seems to be into the state owned enterprise xiangbobo, scrambling for the injection filling. It is often said that the gold will shine, but the ants this gold seems to shine too. There are, the national social security fund strategy to invest in ants gold clothing, accounting for 5% of the shares, after the Chinese postal investment ants gold clothing, accounting for less than 5% of the shares, and the two are the first foreign investment, they gave the ants gold clothing, so far the first round of the gold service to complete the first round of financing 12000000000 yuan, valued at $30000000000. Many industry insiders said, this is the proactive ants gold suit, for their own safety, so the national team for his escort. This year, the central bank issued a series of new financial services institutions, including the third party payment of the new deal is concerned, and the third party payment of the contradiction between the Union and the long-standing, the central bank has finally shot, of course, is the first to pay treasure. According to the relevant data show that PayPal mobile payment market share last year has more than 80%...