新关注 > 信息聚合 > 星际争霸20周年活动介绍 暴雪多款游戏向其致敬

星际争霸20周年活动介绍 暴雪多款游戏向其致敬

Starcraft the 20th anniversary of the activities to introduce blizzard game salute to the more

2018-03-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

星际争霸20周年活动介绍,《星际争霸》作为暴雪游戏经典作品之一,在今年迎来了20周年纪念。下面就来一起看下20周年活动是什么吧! 星际争霸20周年活动汇总: 登录《星际争霸II》 领取你的20周年礼物 在这个三月,让我们一起庆祝《星际争霸》这款经典游戏系列迎来20周年!即日起登录《星际争霸II》的玩家就可以领取周年定制的全种族UI皮肤。 此外,于3月7日至4月3日登录游戏,还可以领取特别的头像和印花。一起回顾那些曾经的经典时刻吧! 联动暴雪全家桶 丰富活动和奖励一个都不能错过 为了庆祝《星际争霸》20周年,暴雪游戏的其他系列也加入了欢庆的队伍。所有暴雪游戏都会有精彩的主题...

Starcraft the 20th anniversary of the activity, as one of the blizzard games classic starcraft, ushered in the 20th anniversary this year. Here is to see what is the 20th anniversary of the activity together! Starcraft the 20th anniversary of the activity summary: login on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of "starcraft II" to receive your gifts In this march, let us celebrate this classic starcraft game series celebrating the 20th anniversary of the! From now on the login "starcraft II" players can get the anniversary of the custom UI skin all RACES. In addition, on March 7 solstice login game on April 3rd, we can receive a special avatar, and printing. Review those who once the classic moment together! Linkage blizzard buckets of rich activities and reward a can't miss to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of starcraft, other series of blizzard games also joined the celebration. The theme of all blizzard games will have a wonderful...