新关注 > 信息聚合 > 叶明:深入两化融合 开展创新实践

叶明:深入两化融合 开展创新实践

Ye Ming: two combination to carry out the innovative practice in depth

2016-08-31 11:31:01来源: 中国信息产业网

联想集团副总裁、中国区大客户及在线销售总经理叶明从前瞻性、系统性、安全性三要素入手讲述了两化融合背景下企业信息化建设的创新实践—— 在新的互联网时代里,信息与物理的结合更加深度。CPS、IOT、...

Vice President of lenovo group, China big customers and online sales, managing Ye Ming from prospective, systemic, security, under the background of the three elements of tells the story of two combination of enterprise information construction of innovative practice in the new age of the Internet, the combination of information and physical more depth. The CPS, IOT,...