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Micro payments into Australia the driving force behind the scenes: here the electricity supplier is harmonious

2015-10-30 08:11:50来源: 亿邦动力网

【编者按】出国旅游的游客可能都面临过以下几个问题,包括换外币麻烦,带很多外币又怕不安全,刷卡面临很多汇损,还要交手续费。为了解决这个问题,微信支付和澳洲本土的支付平台RoyalPay展开合作,希望借对微信支付的推广,一站式的解决出境游游客担心的支付问题,同时帮助当地商家通过微信做一站式营销。但其实,在RoyalPay CEO葛洋帆看来,这仅仅是跨出了万里长征第一步,澳洲本地第三方支付市场也亟待开发,相对于国内已经“受过良好教育”的习惯于用第三方支付工具的消费者,澳洲的消费者还只能通过绑卡“闪付”的方式完成便捷支付。未来第三方支付能像国内一样,在国外遍地开花吗?第三方支付的普及会改变什么商业形态...

[editor] abroad tourist visitors may have faced several problems, including change foreign currency trouble, with a lot of foreign currency and fear and insecurity, credit card face a lot of exchange loss, but also pay fees. To solve this problem, the micro channel payment and the Australian local payment platform RoyalPay cooperation, hoping to pay through the micro channel promotion, a one-stop solution to the problem of the payment of outbound tourists worried, while helping local businesses through micro channel to do one-stop marketing. But in fact, appears in the CEO RoyalPay Ge Yangfan, this just is, took the first step in the Long March, Australian local third-party payment market also urgently needs to develop relative to domestic has an "educated" used to use third-party payment instruments to consumers, consumers in Australia only through the tie card "flash pay complete convenient payment. The future of the third party payment as the domestic, abroad blossom everywhere? The popularity of the third party payment will change what business form...

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