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360 and cool scores will be how to end?

2015-09-09 11:13:57来源: DoNews

这两天,最热闹的IT新闻就是360与酷派的纠纷,在沉寂了几个月之后,周鸿祎的“谁在我背后捅刀子,试图screw我,我的原则是一定要fuck回去。”终于要兑现了。 北京时间9月8日,奇虎360宣布其日前已书面通知酷派公司,要求酷派公司按照股东协议内容,购买360在双方共同成立的合资公司中所持有的全部49.5%的股权,总价约14.85亿美元。而酷派方面也证实受到了360公司的法律文件。酷派随即做出来官方回应,但是除了嬉笑调侃和宣传之外没有什么内容,倒是酷派的蒋超个人发了长微博说了说来龙去脉。这个事情前因后果如何?会如何收场?我们来看一下。一、360和酷派合作的前因后果 周鸿祎一直想做手机不是秘密,...

this two days, the most popular IT news is 360 with the cool of the dispute, in a few months after the silence, Zhou Hongyi's "who in my back stabbed, trying to screw me, I'm sure to go back to fuck." Finally cash. Beijing time on September 8, Qihoo 360 announced its recently has been notified in writing by the cool, cool company demanded in accordance with the contents of the shareholder agreement, 360 in both sides will jointly set up a joint venture company held by all 49.5% stake purchase, a total of about 14.85 billion. And the cool side also confirmed by the legal documents of the company 360. Cool immediately made the official response, but in addition to the laughing ridicule and publicity outside without what, but cool Jiang transpersonal sent a long micro Bo said that the ins and outs. How this thing will be how to end the antecedents and consequences? We see?. A cool, 360 and cooperation of the antecedents and consequences Zhou Hongyi always wanted to do is not a secret mobile phone,...