新关注 > 信息聚合 > 画面太美不忍直视!孙红雷晒自己的爱情生活


The picture is too beautiful to bear in sight. Honglei Sun bask in his love life

2016-05-25 14:50:07来源: 大众网


About 8:00 a.m. on May 25, Sun Honglei posted a group of pictures of Huang Lei and Luo Zhixiang, a piglet, in which Sun Honglei and Piglet kissed each other passionately. Yesterday Sun Honglei also exposed photographs of kissing with Huang Lei, the brotherhood is self-evident, causing a lot of sought after rotten women. In addition, Honglei Sun did not forget to write in micro-blog: my love life. This is the truth.