新关注 > 信息聚合 > 张铎牵手刘涛飙演技 获封“中国好老公”

张铎牵手刘涛飙演技 获封“中国好老公”

Zhang Duo hand Liu Taobiao acting won "China good husband"

2016-12-20 11:50:03来源: 千龙

千龙网讯 近日,随着《北上广依然相信爱情》与《放弃我抓紧我》的热播,演技派演员张铎大展霸屏模式,在两部剧中,张铎均悉心诠释出了“不同口味”的霸道总裁,魅力非凡,吸粉力大开,让网友们纷纷大呼:看不过瘾...

QianLongWang news recently, as the "north guang still believe in love" with "give up I grab my hit, actor sent Zhang Duo big bully screen mode, in both drama, Zhang Duo interpretation are carefully out of the" different tastes "bullying, charismatic, powder suction force is big, make net friends have big shout: aren't enough...