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Mr Leung congratulated the Hong Kong cyclist lee wai sze Asian championship to win the gold medal

2017-02-10 13:04:36来源: 中国新闻网

新华社香港2月9日电 香港特区政府新闻处9日消息显示,香港特区行政长官梁振英祝贺香港运动员李慧诗当日在印度举行的第37届亚洲场地自行车锦标赛女子精英组争先赛中取得金牌。 梁振英表示,李慧诗技胜一...

Hong Kong February 9 (xinhua) Hong Kong SAR government press 9 news, according to the Hong Kong special administrative region chief executive Mr Leung congratulated the Hong Kong athletes lee wai sze day the 37th Asian cycling championships to be held in India in the gold medal in women's elite group's individual. Mr Leung said that lee wai sze skill - a...