新关注 > 信息聚合 > 湖南本科二批投档分数线公布 多所院校超一本录取分

湖南本科二批投档分数线公布 多所院校超一本录取分

Hunan undergraduate second batch of cast archives published scores more schools than an admission points

2016-07-28 11:18:08来源: 中国教育在线

多所院校投档线超一本录取线 湖南本科二批征集志愿投档分数线公布 27日9时30分,省教育考试院公布了湖南省2016年普通高校招生本科二批征集志愿投档分数线,文史类中河北师范大学分数线最高,为...

Many colleges and universities TouDangXian over a line of hunan undergraduate 2 batches for volunteer cast archives score report for the 27th September 30 points, the provincial education published the toefl in hunan province in 2016 the ordinary university admissions undergraduate 2 batches for volunteer cast archives fractional line, hebei normal university scores the highest in history class, as...