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队长辛苦了 新大话2队长战绩玩法曝光

Captain hard the new big 2 Captain record gameplay exposure

2015-07-06 16:49:56来源: 天极网

所谓天道酬勤,队长作为三界中最辛苦的存在,理应得到一些额外的帮助。为此,《新大话西游2》特别推出队长战绩玩法,带队参与日常升级任务和部分挑战任务即可获得队长战绩,战绩不仅能够用于强化能力,还可以兑换各式珍贵道具!下面,就让我们来全面了解一下队长战绩玩法吧! 队长辛苦了 新大话2队长战绩...

so-called inf, captain as realms of the hard existence, should get some extra help. Therefore, "the new Westward Journey 2" will launch a special captain record gameplay, notch in update daily tasks and part of the challenge of the task can be obtained captain record, record can not only for strengthening the ability, can also exchange all kinds of precious props! Now, let us to know all about captain record gameplay! Captain hard 2 Captain record new big...