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Napoli President: only the atletico Madrid official offer higuain

2016-07-21 02:01:50来源: 华体网

现年28岁的阿根廷国家队成员伊瓜因上赛季为那不勒斯打进36球,荣膺意甲最佳射手。 这位前皇马前锋的名字最近与阿森纳,尤文图斯和巴黎圣日耳曼紧密地联系起来。但到目前为止,那不勒斯主席德劳伦蒂斯只证实...

, 28, higuain Argentina national team members for Naples scored 36 goals last season, winning the serie a top scorer. The name of the former real Madrid striker recently with Arsenal, Juventus and Paris saint-germain are closely linked. But so far, napoli President DE laurentiis confirmed only...