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专业硕士生长地 升级发展加速器

Professional master's growth to upgrade development accelerator

2016-06-12 02:43:41来源: 大河网

心 提 示 本报记者 孟新生 文/图 专硕摇篮 记者:校园穿学士服拍照的学子不时可见,这个毕业季我们生科院的学生都在忙什么? 惠丰立:生科院与其他学院不同,我们有120多名在...

Heart tip Our reporter Meng Xinsheng article/figure professional master's cradle Reporter: bachelor's clothing pictures of campus students from time to time, this season we have science college graduation of the students are busy doing? Feng-li hui: life science college, unlike other colleges, we have more than 120 in...