新关注 > 信息聚合 > 深耕FPS品类 小奥游戏携手Madfinger推《UnKilled》

深耕FPS品类 小奥游戏携手Madfinger推《UnKilled》

Deep FPS categories of small Ao game together madfinger push the UnKilled "

2015-11-19 11:43:03来源: 新浪

新浪游戏了解到小奥游戏已与捷克厂商Madfinger Games(狂指游戏)达成战略合作,推出恐怖射击游戏《UnKilled》。 2015年的手游市场已从增量市场进入存量市场,人口红利消失,手游开发的成本大幅提高,小型团队淘汰。换皮、山寨品越来越难成功,手游正在向精品化发展。细分领域...

Sina game learned little Olympic Games has been with the Czech manufacturer madfinger games (MAD thumb game) reached a strategic cooperation, launched the horror shooting game" UnKilled. " 2015 hand travel market has entered the stock market from the incremental market, the demographic dividend disappeared, the cost of the development of hand travel increased significantly, the small team eliminated. Change skin, cottage products more difficult to succeed, the tour is to the development of quality. Subdivision field...

标签: PS 游戏