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网购苹果电脑 承诺“15天无理由退换货”却拒退

Apple computer online shopping promises "15 days no reason to return" refused to return

2014-12-12 09:43:48来源: 福州新闻网

唐昊/漫画 海峡都市报讯 “说好无理由退换,现在怎么又拒退了?”昨日,福州市民陈先生向海都报来电称,在某网上商城购买了苹果笔记本,之后开机进行了基本系统设置。购机时,该商品有“15天无理由退换货”的页面提示,不过,陈先生在提出退货时却遭到拒绝。 想退货遭拒 据陈先生介绍,12月...

Tang Hao / comic Straits Metropolitan News "say no reason to return, now how to take?" yesterday, Mr. Chen Fuzhou citizens to Haidu calls that, on an online shopping mall to buy Apple laptop, after boot the basic system setup. Purchase, the product has "15 days no reason to return" page tips, however, Mr Chen rejected the proposed return it. Want to return the rejected according to Mr. Chen introduction, December...

标签: 苹果