新关注 > 信息聚合 > 扫码支付复活抢占线下市场 中国大妈加入扫码行列

扫码支付复活抢占线下市场 中国大妈加入扫码行列

Scan code and payment under the market China resurrection rob busy aunt to join the ranks

2014-12-17 11:24:28来源: 中国青年网

在一些超市,大妈也开始用手机扫码支付 河南商报记者陈薇 被央行叫停了半年多的扫码支付,从上个月开始又“满血复活”。 刚刚过去的“双12”,实体店内“扫码支付打5折”的大促销,让商场里消费的主流——“中国大妈”也加入了扫码支付的队伍。原本只是配合电商的支付宝、微信支付等,开始“...

in some supermarkets, aunt also began to use the mobile phone code sweeping pay Henan Commercial Daily reporter Chen Wei was the central bank halted for more than half a scan code and payment, from the last month began to "full blood resurrection". Just past the "double 12", the entity store "scan code and pay to play 50 percent off" of the big promotion, let consumer mainstream stores -- "China aunt" also joined the scan code payment team. Originally only with the dealers to pay treasure to pay, Micro message, start"...