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《我的世界:故事模式》将登陆Wii U主机

"My world: Story Mode" will be landing "my world", the Wii u console

2015-08-28 12:33:10来源: 新浪

《我的世界》是非常著名的开放式沙盒游戏,在过去6年内登陆了除任天堂以外的所有主流平台。这将成为历史,因为新作《我的世界:故事模式》(Minecraft: Story Mode)近日宣布新增Wii U平台,成为MC系列首次登陆任系主机,预定今年底发售。 《我的世界:故事模式》是《我的世...

is very famous open sandbox game, in the past 6 years landed in addition to Nintendo of all major platforms. This will become history, because the new "my world: Story Mode" (Minecraft: Wii) recently announced the new U MC platform, the first time to become the first landing of the host system, scheduled for sale at the end of this year. "My world: Story Mode" is "my world"...

标签: 我的世界