新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天旦NPM:一个网络工程师3分钟就能完成网络排障


Day denier NPM: a network engineer 3 minutes to complete online debugging

2017-12-14 16:42:26来源: DoNews


With the rapid development of network equipment and the channel capacity, network scale is larger and the network architecture is also becoming more complicated. Right now, the information society in various production business, economic and cultural activities are highly dependent on the network, which requires the network operations staff in dealing with network failure, find out the cause of the problem, the first time in a timely manner to eliminate network fault, 7 x24 hours 365 days to ensure the stable operation of the network. Make it sound so easy, but is not easy to do. In case of network problems, find the fault location is the primary task. The network administrator to open the Wireshark or Tcpdump tool, guess the suspected the cause of the problem, started to grab packets, one by one. For "old driver", maybe he has enough experience to be able to seize the point of failure with extremely high probability; But for ordinary network administrators, the screen like a needle in a haystack is really unbearable. Caught is not the goal, to parse the packet...