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The first Dongguan Yongtai Kia cup karting Championship recruitment

2015-08-19 20:54:52来源: 爱卡汽车网

想上赛道吗,想成为赛车手吗,想来场极速运行动吧,想玩一场漂移吗? 福利来了,东莞永泰起亚将在9月5日举办首届永泰起亚杯车王争霸赛,让客户在娱乐中把赛事变的更有乐趣,让赛事变的更加激情,永泰就是任...

want to track, you want to become a racing car driver, want to field speed movement, and want to play a drift?? Benefits came, Yongtai Dongguan Kia will be held in September 5th the first Yongtai Kia Cup car king tournament, so that customers in the entertainment of the game become more fun, let the game become more passion, Yongtai is any...