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Freemasonry? Romero: David de GEA Biezou

2015-08-19 22:04:19来源: 华体网

曼联门将罗梅罗认为德赫亚目前处境艰难,不过他表示希望同事继续留在一线队一起为曼联效力。 英超前两轮比赛和欧冠附加赛上罗梅罗都担任首发,与此同时德赫亚连大名单都没进。3-1战胜布鲁日赛后,罗梅罗告诉...

Manchester United goalkeeper Romero think David de GEA is currently struggling, but he said the hope that colleagues continue to stay in the first team together to play for Manchester United. Premier League games and the first two rounds of the European league tournament, Romero served as the starting, at the same time, David De Gea even the big list are not into. 3-1 victory over Bruges, Romero told...