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Tentacles "king glory" six big ace anchor inventory

2017-02-10 11:39:50来源: 新浪

作为一个对操作要求非常高的MOBA类手游,想要在《王者荣耀》高手如云的主播群中脱颖而出,并不是什么太容易的事。这个时候颜值已经不那么重要了,技术才是王道!经过一番“华山论剑”,触手评出了东邪西毒南帝北丐中神通外加逗比老顽童周伯通六大高手主播,都是谁呢?让我们一起来看一看。 东邪——蓝...

As a very high demand for operating the MOBA swim class hand, want to master the king of glory as of the host, is not too easy. This time level is less important in appearance, technology is king! After a "huashan mountain", the tentacles to name the east evil west poison in the south emperor north gai avatar and tease than old urchin zhou botong six ace to anchor, who is? Let's take a look. East evil -- blue...

标签: 主播 王者荣耀