新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《传奇世界》时光区天人玩法首度曝光


"Legends of the world" time zone and gameplay first exposure

2015-04-16 14:18:39来源: 新浪

传奇世界 CGWR 得分 CGWR:67 位 CGWR介绍 盛大游戏旗下经典PK网游《传奇世界》时光区新飞升天界版本上线在即,新“雷劫飞升”玩法以平衡二字为核心,以多项举措和福利玩点力保各个层次的玩家都能玩得爽快!据了解,新版本中还将推出全新装备——圣王级套装,玩家们可在新地图“...

Sina legend of the world CGWR score CGWR:67 CGWR introduced a new version of heaven go on-line soon Shanda's classic PK online games "world of legend" time zone ", the new thunder rob up" play to balance the two words as the core, take a number of initiatives and benefits to each play levels of the game player can play quickly! It is understood, the new version will also launch a new equipment -- King Suite, game player can be in the new map"...