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《怪物猎人 世界》中狰狞的怪物,拟人之后真好看啊

"Monster hunter world" ferocious monster, after the personification is really nice

2018-02-05 11:40:02来源: 游戏时光

《怪物猎人 世界》发售一周有余,相信老猎人们对其中各个怪物们都已经十分熟悉了。其中大部分怪物长相都十分凶恶狰狞(虽然它们之中有的睡相还算比较可爱),让人过目不忘,印象深刻。但当它们到微博用户“STAR影法師”这位画师的笔下,变成帅哥/美女/萌妹子之后,你还认识吗?除了《怪物猎人 世界》之外,在“STAR影法師”的个人 Lofter 上还有不少游戏或者动漫相关题材的作品,感兴趣的朋友可以点击这里查看更多美图,下面是部分节选:

"Monster hunter world" sold more than a week, I believe that the old hunters of the various monsters are very familiar with. Most of them are evil ferocious monster looks (though some of them sleep phase is more cute), let a person never forgets anything, very impressive. But when they to weibo users "STAR shadow mage" the painter's works, become a handsome boy/girl/attractive woman, you know? Except "monster hunter world" on the "STAR shadow mage" personal Lofter there are so many works of game or animation related subjects, interested friends can click here to see more beautiful pictures, here are some extracts from:

标签: 怪物猎人