新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巴萨主席:梅西续约我亲自去谈 别人谁都不信

巴萨主席:梅西续约我亲自去谈 别人谁都不信

Barcelona President: Lionel messi contract I talk about yourself Others who don't believe it

2017-01-29 00:40:18来源: 华体网

巴托梅乌表态亲自谈判梅西续约 腾 体育1月28日 巴萨球迷现在最关心什么问题?肯定是梅西的续约,虽然梅西多次表态会留在诺坎普,但他一天不在新合同签字,曼城、巴黎甚至皇马的挖角传闻始终不会消停...

The tomei wu said negotiations personally messi contract sports on January 28th Barcelona fans now most concerned about what problem? Must be messi's contract, while messi said it intends to stay at the nou camp for many times, but he's not signing a new contract day, Manchester city, Paris and even real Madrid poaching rumor always won't die...