新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【龙江行】哈尔滨有个后花园 滨江湿地可泛舟可赏荷

【龙江行】哈尔滨有个后花园 滨江湿地可泛舟可赏荷

[Longjiang] Harbin has a garden in Binjiang wetland can be rafting available 8 months in Shanghe

2015-08-20 05:49:28来源: 长城网

长城网哈尔滨8月19日讯(记者 刘振山)今天下午,第九届全国网络媒体龙江行的记者继续在哈尔滨市采访。一望无际的水面,上下翻飞的各种水鸟,枝叶繁茂的芦苇,纯天然生长的红荷,游来荡去的游船,还有纯朴热情...

Greatwall net Harbin 19 hearing (reporter Liu Zhenshan) this afternoon, the ninth national network media Longjiang, the reporter to interview in Harbin city. The vast expanse of water, fluttering up and down a variety of water birds, lush foliage of reed, natural growth of red lotus, wandered to the boat and simple enthusiasm...