新关注 > 信息聚合 > 摸底青岛短租房最火月份 崂山小套二日租金可破千

摸底青岛短租房最火月份 崂山小套二日租金可破千

Thoroughly Qingdao short rental of the fire in Laoshan small sets, rent can be broken one thousand

2015-08-20 08:21:17来源: 大众网


Beer Festival, also heralds the arrival of the peak tourist season in Qingdao, the influx of a large number of tourists caused various Castle Hotel supplies tight, even a lot of hotel price occasion rise 2-3 times, such as high price "occupancy" Qingdao into the visitors are most concerned about the problem. The "tourism" the birth of the Qingdao short rent, the rent"...