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股神调仓路径曝光 京东上位阿里遭弃

Warren transfer positions path exposure Jingdong upper Ali abandoned

2015-05-20 08:32:55来源: 东方财富网

投资大佬1季度的持仓状况遭曝光,1季度上市伊始各机构遭哄抢的阿里巴巴惨成弃儿。 ===本文导读=== ===全文阅读=== 由来只有新人笑,有谁听到旧人哭,阿里巴巴掌舵人马云恐怕是别有一番滋味在心头,从上市前期的火爆路演到上市之后的机构散户哄抢拉抬,再到如今华尔街大佬的集体清仓,...

investment chiefs 1 quarter positions being exposed, 1 quarter listed at the beginning of the agencies were looting the Alibaba miserable as a foundling. = = = this guide = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = read the full text = = = origin only new laugh, who heard old people cry, Alibaba helm Ma is probably don't have some taste in the heart, from the listed early popular roadshow to after the listing of the retail institution looting lift, to now wall street guy collective clearance,...

标签: 京东