新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新一代僵尸网络肆虐 一不小心就会沦为门罗币挖矿机!

新一代僵尸网络肆虐 一不小心就会沦为门罗币挖矿机!

A new generation of botnets Carelessly will become Monroe currency mining machine!

2017-09-05 10:25:38来源: DoNews


Recently, 360 Internet safety monitoring center to a use of invaded server for Monroe currency can dig botnet, the botnet control the number of servers at the peak reached more than twenty thousand units in a single day. Criminals by controlling these servers to achieve mining, in order for profiteering. At present, 360 has been first to crack the operation mode of the botnet, and can effectively intercept killing such attacks. Botnet established early, the use of "the eternal blue" virus loophole attack, invasion of a certain number of computer as development basis. These "zombie" computers through scanning again after blasting and infect other computers, constantly expanding the scope of the botnet control by invading "zombie" computers unconsciously by remote control, not only personal privacy leak, all will become the crime tool to criminals. Behind the botnet so rampant, leave the powerful Bot program, and the birth of the Bot program can be traced back to the earliest...