新关注 > 信息聚合 > AC米兰控股公司收到中欧体育8500万欧订金


AC Milan holding company received 85 million euro deposit from central Europe Sports

2016-09-07 01:57:00来源: 华体网

体育9月6日讯 AC米兰俱乐部控股公司菲宁维斯特(Fininvest)官方宣布收到了中欧体育8500万欧元的订金。 这家来自中国的财团此前与贝卢斯科尼签订了收购AC米兰俱乐部的初步协议书,并支付了...

Sports September 6 - AC Milan Club Holding Company Fininvest has officially announced that it has received a deposit of 85 million euros from China and Europe Sports. The Chinese consortium had signed a preliminary agreement with Berlusconi to buy AC Milan and paid for it.