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李日强:中欧赛还送法拉利 War3推1.27新版本

Kestrel lee: central Europe still send the ferrari War3 push new version 1.27

2016-01-25 00:56:06来源: 17173

《炉石传说》2015年黄金总决赛于24日打响,网易副总裁李日强亲自前来现场助阵。在现场,李日强透露了一系列关于2016年赛事计划,包括覆盖暴雪几乎全线游戏的黄金超级联赛(War3、炉石传说、风暴英雄、守望先锋)。此外,在今年的中欧挑战赛,官方将继续拿出一辆法拉利,作为中国选手夺冠奖励! ...

The hearth legend 24 gold finals in 2015, netease, vice President of kestrel lee personally to the scene. At the scene, kestrel lee revealed a range of about 2016 event plan, covering almost all gold premier league games (War3, hearth hero legend, storm, watchman pioneer). In addition, in this year's central challenge, the official will continue to take out a ferrari, as a Chinese player to win the reward! ...