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电子竞技市场将破1000亿 三大趋势凸显

Electronic competitive market will break 1000 thirty million big trend

2018-05-30 00:00:00来源: 人民网

5月20日,《英雄联盟》季中冠军赛(MSI)在法国巴黎天体体育馆中举行,中国LPL赛区的RNG战队以3比1战胜韩国LCK赛区的KZ战队,获得冠军,终结了韩国在英雄联盟国际舞台上的统治时代,在世界赛冠军的征程上迈出重要一步。 《英雄联盟》季中冠军赛(MSI)是拳头公司2015年增加的国际性赛事,是《英雄联盟》最重要的国际赛事之一,每个赛区春季赛的季后赛冠军才能获邀参赛。今年入围MSI的共有14支,分别是DW(大洋洲)、ASC(东南亚)、GMB(独联体)、EVOS(越南)、KaBuM(巴西)、FNC(欧洲)、TL(北美)、KLG(南拉美)、KZ(韩国)、PGM(日本)、R7(北拉美)、FW(中...

On May 20, "hero" season in the championship game objects in the gym (MSI) in Paris, France, China LPL division RNG team 3-1 win over South Korea LCK division KZ team, winning the championship, put an end to the South Korea during the rule of hero alliance on the international stage, in the world championship as a significant step on the journey. "Hero alliance" season in the championship (MSI) is the fist company increase the international competition in 2015, is a "hero alliance" one of the most important international competitions, spring each conference playoff champion to be invited to compete. Shortlisted for the MSI of this year, a total of 14, respectively is DW (Oceania), ASC (southeast Asia), GMB (cis), EVOS (Vietnam), KaBuM (Brazil), as FNC (Europe), TL (North America), KLG (south) of Latin America, KZ (South Korea), PGM (Japan), R7 in Latin America (north), f.w. (...

标签: 电子竞技