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直播APP咸蛋家A轮融资 陈赫为财务投资人

Live APP salted egg home A round of funding Chen He for financial investors

2016-12-23 19:38:39来源: 亿邦动力网


On December 23, salted egg today confirmed that A round of funding information, was completed in November A round of funding, value 500 million yuan, the financing amount of nearly one hundred million yuan, the money has to account, ongoing change in the industrial and commercial registration information. Home also said 15, Ryan, in addition, the salty Chen He is famous artists such as financial investors, is not involved in day-to-day operations of the company. Yesterday, salted egg just fell into the host unpaid wages and suspected of financing. Earlier, salted egg home did a stored value rebate activities, users on the platform of cash can obtain an annualized yield of 9.9%, followed by a period of time even to an annualized yield of 19.8%, far higher than the annual income of many financial products on the market that has attracted a group of users, and even have a prepaid phone the hundreds of thousands of users. But starting in June, withdrawal from the platform becomes slow, prepaid phone users or on the host, users and to organize the salted egg home live financial rights group...

标签: APP 直播