新关注 > 信息聚合 > 周琦2分2助攻1板NBA又悬了 球都运不稳投篮三不沾

周琦2分2助攻1板NBA又悬了 球都运不稳投篮三不沾

Kevin 2 points and 2 assists the NBA and suspension of the ball are shipped 1 plate is not steady shot airball

2016-07-25 14:49:39来源: 华体网

周琦 讯 北京时间7月25日,整场比赛,周琦6投1中,只得2分2助攻1篮板。火箭总经理莫雷现场观战之下,周琦让人大失所望。 半场还剩11秒,周琦低位拿球面对汤普森的错位防守,这次他没有犹豫。持球...

Kevin - Beijing time on July 25, the game, Kevin 1 of 6 shots, only two points and two assists 1 rebound. Rockets general manager daryl morey attendance, housekeeper let people disappointed. Half of 11 seconds left, Kevin low ball in front of the mismatches Thompson, this time he didn't hesitate. The ball...