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欧朋CEO 宋麟:小公司的大梦想

European friends CEO Song Lin: small company big dreams

2015-04-30 20:33:55来源: Tech2IPO

*本文为欧朋(Opera China) CEO 宋麟在 GMIC2015 大会上的演讲 其实很多人即使没有听过欧朋的名字,应该也看到过我们有标志性的大 O,我们其实是行业里面非常老牌的浏览器公司,...

* the European friends (Opera China) CEO Song Lin in the GMIC2015 conference speech in fact many people even not listen too European friends name, should also see we have a big sign o, we are actually inside the industry is a veteran of the browser company,...