新关注 > 信息聚合 > 提高燃油经济性 巴斯夫新一代燃油添加剂产品快乐..

提高燃油经济性 巴斯夫新一代燃油添加剂产品快乐..

Improve the BASF, the fuel economy, a new generation of fuel additive products happy..

2015-09-18 18:53:59来源: 人民网

人民网北京9月18日电(记者 姜颖)今日,巴斯夫推出新一代燃油添加剂产品快乐跑。新品采用全新瓶身设计,技术性能更出色,不仅能保持发动机清洁,还可降低排放并提高燃油经济性,消费者可在国内的汽车养护店和...

people's Network Beijing on September 18 (reporter Jiang Ying) today, BASF launched a new generation of fuel additive products fun run. New product with a new bottle design, better technical performance, not only to keep the engine clean, but also to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy, consumers can in the domestic car maintenance shop and...