新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冯潇霆称失误因想得太多 于海:国足缺临门一脚

冯潇霆称失误因想得太多 于海:国足缺临门一脚

Feng Xiaoting says failure due to think too much of Yu Hai: the country foot missing a kick

2015-04-01 00:06:25来源: 新浪

国足谢场 新浪体育讯 3月31日,国家队在与突尼斯队的比赛之中战成1-1平。面对实力与排名明显高于自己的对手,其实这个结果对于国家队来说并非不可接受。不过,队员们在赛后还是总结了比赛之中出现的两...

country foot Xie field of sina sports dispatch on March 31st, the national team in Tunisia match a 1-1 flat. In the face of power and rank was significantly higher than that of their opponents, in fact, the results for the national team is not acceptable. However, players in the game summed up the game appeared two...