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胡莱游戏亮相电玩节 精品手游新探索

Hu Lai game debut video game day tour of the new exploration

2015-09-29 10:18:26来源: 07073游戏网

2015年深圳国际电玩节将于10月1日至5日在深圳会展中心9号馆举行,参展阵容包括了欧美、日本、韩国及国内最顶尖游戏厂商和开发者。胡莱游戏也即将参展本次电玩节,携带旗下3款精品游戏在A展馆152展位亮相,届时玩家可以尽情领略胡莱游戏精品大作的独特魅力。 【创新核心 打造精品】 胡...

2015 Shenzhen International Video Festival will be held in Convention and Exhibition Center in Shenzhen on October 1st 9, the participating lineup includes Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and China's top game manufacturers and developers. Hu Lai game is also about to participate in the video game Festival, carrying 3 boutique games in the A exhibition hall 152 booth debut, when players can enjoy the unique charm of Hu Lai game masterpiece. Innovation core to create a boutique...

标签: 手游 游戏