新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《家庭教师REBORN》ipadpro千元现金送送送!


"Family teacher REBORN" ipadpro thousand yuan cash send off!

2016-05-27 14:36:31来源: 一游网

大事件!大事件!正版IP授权手游《家庭教师Reborn》刚刚结束了我们的首次封测,二次测试将在5月27日将拉开序幕。我们准备了好多礼品等不及要送出去了,最爆棚的奖品等着米娜桑! 活动一:比拼战力,悬赏ipad Pro和充值卡 【活动时间】:5月27日---二测结束 【活动内容...

Big! Big event! Genuine IP authorized Mobile Games "family teachers Reborn" just finished our first test, the two test in May 27th will be kicked off. We have a lot of gifts can't wait to send out, the bursting of the prizes waiting for Minasan! Activities: the competition force, reward iPad Pro and prepaid card [] activity time: May 27th - two [end activities...