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Kantar: the iPhone in the U.S. market share up 6.4% from a year earlier

2017-01-12 08:25:28来源: DoNews

新浪科技讯 北京时间1月12日凌晨消息,市场研究公司Kantar公布最新报告称,在截至去年11月的三个月时间里,iPhone在美国智能手机市场上所占份额同比增长6.4%。报告还显示,在Kantar追踪的9个主要市场中,苹果公司iOS操作系统在其中7个市场上所占份额均有所上升。Kantar称,假期购物季节早期阶段的销售表现帮助三款iPhone机型包揽了前三名,领先于三星智能手机。报告称,iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus和iPhone 6s是期内美国市场上最受欢迎的机型,这三款iPhone所占份额之和达31.3%。与此同时,三星Galaxy S7和Galaxy S7 edge则分列第四...

Dispatch of sina science and technology Beijing time on January 12, news in the morning, a market research company Kantar released the latest report, in three months as of November last year, the iPhone in the U.S. smartphone market share up 6.4% from a year earlier. Report also shows that in Kantar track nine major market, apple's iOS operating system in which seven market share increased. Kantar, according to the holiday shopping season sales performance to help in the early stages of three iPhone models scored the top three, ahead of samsung smartphone. According to the report, the iPhone, iPhone 7 July Plus and iPhone 6 s is during the period of the most popular models on the market in the United States, the sum of the three iPhone share of 31.3%. At the same time, the samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge is rounded out the top...