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二次元里的刺客宇宙 《刺客信条》漫画系列简介

The assassin in the secondary yuan comic series introduction assassin's creed universe

2018-04-30 10:00:00来源: 游戏时光


In the previous assassin's secret history "column, I introduced to you about the assassin's creed fiction series (click here to read). So, today the focus of this article is going to be an assassin another important part of the universe - cartoon. But in the official start of the comic series of former assassin's creed, we need to review the simple game assassin's creed series plot. Because compared with oliver bourdon novel series of edition and Christie Gordon, Matthew card than the original plot novel, cartoon and game assassin's creed of modern essay more closely (will also interact with the original of the two novels), so if you want to completely master assassin universe decade of important information, you must be at least at the same time also have games, novels and comics, these three aspects. Game modern article briefly reviews deiss mond legend (works include: assassin's creed 2, assassin's creed "assassins creed: brotherhood", "stab...

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