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黑人不帮范范拎包遭差评 手长优势自拍来加分

Blacks don't help Christine Fan bag was bad review hand long advantage points

2014-12-19 15:08:35来源: 中国青年网

黑人让范范自己提包被批不贴心 黑人利用身高优势拍出了“自拍神棍”的效果 腾讯娱乐讯 昨天(12月18日),范玮琪晒出一张全家与圣诞树合影的照片,问道“七尺黑色圣诞树,好看吗?”照片中全家出镜,黑人陈建州搂着范范,但却“不懂事”让准妈妈范范自己提包,遭遇网友差评:“赶紧帮孕妇拎包啊...

black let Christine Fan himself was not close the black bag group use the height advantage made a "self query" effect Tencent entertainment news yesterday (December 18th), Christine Fan aired a family and Christmas tree photos, asked "seven feet of Black Christmas tree, good-looking?" Family photos in appearance, black Chen Chien-chou hugs Christine Fan, but "not sensible" let mother Christine Fan own bag, users encounter bad review: "hurriedly help pregnant bag ah...