新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《无尽战区》携手贝拉7月9日震撼首测


The endless war zone to join Bella July 9 shock first test

2015-07-09 18:38:53来源: 天极网

继与前暴雪音乐金牌制作人尼尔·阿克里展开合作,网易旗下自研全新3D动作端游大作《无尽战区》再曝新动作,据了解,网易已经携手台湾知名电竞明星Bella推出了游戏的试玩视频,而游戏也将在明天也就是7月9日开启首测。 无尽战区女神背影成谜 是Bella还是柳岩? 早在本月初,一名微博认...

after and before the music of Blizzard Entertainment gold producer Neil Akri cooperate, Netease's research since the new 3D action end Tour "endless war zone and then exposed the new action, it is understood, Netease has gone hand in hand with Taiwan well-known eSports stars Bella launched a demo video of the game. And the Games will also in tomorrow's July 9, open the first test. Figure Bella is the goddess of endless mystery theater or Liu Yan? Early in the beginning of this month, a micro blog...