新关注 > 信息聚合 > 九阴真经厨师做哪些食物可以卖钱


Jiuyin Zhenjing chef do what food to sell

2015-07-31 21:31:04来源: 电玩巴士

问:九阴真经厨师做哪些食物可以卖钱 答: 1暴击类的,最好的当然是红汤鲍鱼面,市场需要求量很大,只要不是非常,随摆随卖 2闪避类的,撒尿牛丸、朝阳羊宴之类都可以 3消耗类的,馒头、包...

Q: Jiuyin Zhenjing chef do what food can sell a: 1 crit class, the best is, of course, red abalone soup, the needs of the market demand, as long as it's not like very much, with swing with the selling 2 dodge class, sprinkle urinary beef balls, Chaoyang sheep feast can consume 3, steamed bread,...