新关注 > 信息聚合 > 居家生活窍门之巧妙喝水打败多种疾病(十一)


Home life tips ingenious water beat a variety of diseases (11)

2015-08-28 14:01:11来源: 慧聪网

发热 怎么喝:间断性、小口补水为宜 我们这里说的发热,是说当你剧烈运动后,身体的温度骤然上升,大量汗液排出。这个时候人会感到疲惫,而适当饮水是对身体最紧急的呵护。水可以调节血液和组织液的正常...

fever how to drink: discontinuous, small replenishment is appropriate here said the fever, is said when you after strenuous exercise, the body temperature rises suddenly, a large number of sweat discharge. This time people will feel tired, and appropriate drinking water is the most urgent care of the body. Water can regulate blood and tissue fluids...