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WCA欧洲区预选赛决赛硝烟弥漫 赛事预告出炉

WCA European qualifying final smoke preview released

2015-08-06 10:48:50来源: 新浪

谁是欧洲电竞最强者?本周便要见分晓!WCA2015职业预选赛(欧洲赛区)决赛北京时间8月5日下午16:00正式开打,决战地德国科隆游戏展。 此次科隆展决赛将会进行风暴英雄、炉石传说和魔兽争霸3三大项目的激烈比赛,几十位欧洲顶尖选手在为期5天的比赛日中将会通过循环赛加淘汰赛的双败赛制考...

who is the strongest European gaming? This week will be the winner! WCA2015 professional qualifying for Europe (Division) final Beijing time on August 5, in the afternoon at 16:00 formally dozen, battle in Germany Cologne game show. The Cologne exhibition will be the final storm hero, hearthstone and Warcraft 3 three major projects of the fierce competition, dozens of top European players in double defeat for a period of five days of competition, will will cycle through the saiga knockout competition system.